Born Again Christian s Purpose of Funerals

Guest Blogger: Jason Helopoulos

Christians need a good theology of Christian death. Information technology matters. Should we rejoice or weep when a brother or sister in Christ dies? Is a Christian funeral service a celebration or time for mourning? A right agreement of how to consider a Christian's death will stymie the two extremes of only rejoicing or but grieving.

Information technology is routine to hear the heartfelt sentiment of a dear dying Christian say, "Don't cry when I die. Rejoice, for I shall be with Christ"? With the same amore, it is normal to hear family members of a deceased Christian say, "He didn't want us to grieve. We want to joyfully remember the life he had and remind ourselves that he is truly in a better place"? These are endearing statements. We don't desire to disparage the affection that moved these sentiments. However, these responses are not sufficient. We should not merely rejoice when a Christian dies.

As Romans tells us, "The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23).  It is non a practiced affair that our Christian friend or family fellow member has passed abroad. No matter the benefits afterwards death, death itself is an anathema. Death is an unwelcomed guest. Information technology had no place in creation. Rather, it stormed onto the scene as the thief of life upon the entrance of sin into this globe. Therefore, death itself is not to be celebrated. Nosotros cannot just rejoice when a Christian dies somehow forgetting that expiry is an enemy.

For God formed homo from the grit of the earth. Creation is turned on its head every bit man is returned to the grit in his death. There has been loss and loss that was not meant to exist in this world. There has been death, which had no place in the proficient creation. In fact, at death man is torn asunder. His body and soul, created as one person, is separated. Information technology is true that at that moment when a Christian dies, their soul immediately passes into the presence of Christ (Luke 23:43; Philippians 1:23), but their body is left to decay. The soul is naked before the Lord. And the trunk lies lifeless and void of the soul until the resurrection. Therefore, at that place is a sense in which we could say that our naked souls are longing for the day of resurrection. For on that day they will exist reunited to our bodies never to feel that horrible separation again. We volition forever dwell as nosotros were created to be.

Martha, Mary, and their friends have practiced reason to cry at the loss of Lazarus (John 11:33). The Scriptures never ask Christians to deny the feeling of grief–it is a right and holy sadness. And we should never ask our loved ones to deny that emotion either. There is a sort of super-spirituality present with such a asking or repression. It is an mental attitude that surpasses the education of the Bible and what our Creator has asked of usa.

However, we should not merely grieve. When a Christian dies we should also exist filled with rejoicing. Truly, for the Christian, "to alive is Christ, and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21). As a believer in Christ departs from this life they are immediately in a far better place (Philippians ane:23). They are with Christ! They have finished the race and kept the religion (ii Timothy 4:seven); and that organized religion has become sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). They no longer run into in a mirror dimly, but see Him confront to confront (1 Corinthians 13:12). The object of their love, affection, and joy is before and with them forevermore.

What glories await the Christian at death. One moment, a feeble sinner experiencing the miseries of this life, and the next moment, one who is adorned with the crown of righteousness (ii Timothy four:8) in the presence of the King of Glory. There the Christian shall be–surrounded past His glory. A glory which banishes all our enemies. In that place there shall  no longer exist the experience of loss, grief, pain, discomfort, or regret. Rather, the saint shall dwell in sheer joy and bliss as they revel in the beauty and glory of their Savior and God forever. Therefore, we should rejoice at the expiry of a Christian, for equally the Apostle Paul says, they are "in a far meliorate identify" (Philippians one:23). In that location may be no greater understatement ever penned–for what glories wait us!

When a brother or sister in the Lord passes away, at that place should be grief and rejoicing. They both have a place. We grieve for what is lost and rejoice at what is gained. That is a skillful Christian theology of Christian decease.


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